Monday, August 15, 2011


MUST TRAIN PETS. Pet owners are very loyal to their pets and there is nothing a pet owner will do to ensure your pet a long and healthy life is. Instead of buying a pup from one that is better to buy a puppy just so the puppy will have a better chance of bonding with the owner and will be easier to be attached to its owner better and be easier to train than to have many puppies.
Avoid the temptation to buy two or more puppies. Depending on the breed, the best time to buy a puppy is between 7-9 weeks of age. The puppy should get used to being around people and other dogs. Your puppy will not be allowed to roam the house freely until he is properly trained. A common misconception is that healthy dogs and cats should eat every day, when in fact they do not. Smaller breeds are an exception, but even so pet owners should be careful not to overfeed.

Friday, August 12, 2011

HAPPY PETS - Can Pets Have IBS?

HAPPY PETS Can pets have IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)? The answer is yes, however, can be difficult to know if your dog or cat is suffering. Since we can not tell us who are in pain, it is for its owner to find out for themselves.
With dogs is especially difficult at first because the owner can not be sure that the dog had eaten something he should not. If your dog suddenly seems in pain, fatigue and has bouts of diarrhea or constipation, then it is best to seek the advice of your veterinarian. The veterinarian will perform some simple tests such as blood tests and a stool sample. This is to rule one of the most common causes, like something the dog ate, bacterial infections and colitis. IBS is very difficult to diagnose and the only way to be sure is to discard everything else.